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Change the World...One Marriage at a Time

Aug 29, 2022

Have you ever been at a crossroads in your life? Two paths to choose from and neither is wrong?

The path you’ve been on is familiar. It’s much less complicated; much less faith-filled; much more comfortable.

This new direction is risky, unknown and uncomfortable…but it’s the way you know God is calling you. In a moment of faith, you step out and declare that being obedient is more important than being comfortable.

That is where Trish and I stood on January 1. We transitioned to a part time position at Cross Point and step into the full time mission of helping couples close the gap between the marriage they have and the marriage they dream of having.

Our book, Beyond Ordinary released and our goal was simple: Ignite a movement of people unwilling to settle for marriage as usual and lower the divorce rate in our country.

Simple, but not small.



Only God.

Most books have a shelf life of three to four months. Authors and publishers put a ton of energy into the launch of a book and it either takes off or it fizzles out.

We are nine months removed from the release of Beyond Ordinary and we truly feel like we are just starting to see this book’s influence and impact.
Only God.

People often ask how they can help our ministry. What is one thing they can do to help us share our message; to encourage us; to show their love and support?

Other than prayer for us and our ministry, the best thing you could do to support our ministry is purchase our book. Every book sold is a potential life changed.

We have quite a few people that read our blog each month…Can you imagine if every person reading this bought a book? How many marriages could we help? How many generations could we change? How many divorces could we prevent?

I know many of you reading this have already purchased our book. Many of you have purchased multiple copies and for that we are so very grateful.

If you haven’t purchased a copy yet, we want to partner with you to change the world…one marriage at a time. Will you join us?

Amazon has the book for $10.88 right now. You can invest $11 in your marriage or in the marriage of a family member or friend.

This is a crazy dream.

God specializes in crazy.

Thank you for being such a huge part of our RefineUs Community and dreaming with us.