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Death by Comparison Part 1

Aug 28, 2022

Our oldest son Micah has become a really good basketball player. He has the potential to be great. He and I have started to have some epic driveway battles, as we have played one-on-one the past few months. Even more epic than our basketball games is the trash talking that takes place before, during and after each game.

Last week, I came inside and told Trisha that I only have six more months at the most before Micah will be able to beat me. (I had won again. 🙂 ) In response he said, “I can’t believe you can’t dunk anymore!” I said, “I’m 37 years old, why would I be able to dunk?” He said, “Michael Jordan is 47 and he can dunk. I bet Magic Johnson can dunk. Shaq is 39 and he can still dunk.” I was laughing at this point. His argument was ridiculous. I said, “You are comparing me to people that I should never be compared to. That doesn’t even make sense!”

Our conversation ended and we went about our evening. Later that night, I was replaying the conversation in my head. Smiling as I thought about how that conversation went…what was he thinking comparing me to people to whom I should never be compared?!

In that moment, I heard God say, “Justin, you do that all the time. You compare yourself to other people all the time…people you should never compare yourself with.”

  • I compare my talents and gifts with yours
  • I compare my friendships with yours
  • I compare my kids with your kids
  • I compare my neighborhood with yours
  • I compare my title with yours
  • I compare my car with yours
  • I compare my body shape with yours
  • I compare my hair style with yours
  • I compare my relationship with God with your relationship with God
  • I compare my performance as a parent with your success/failure as a parent

I am never fully alive when I compare. Comparison will cause you to travel one of two paths: envy or pride. When I compare myself to you, I will either envy what you have because I think you are better or prettier or more talented, or closer to God. Or, my heart will be filled with pride because I have more ability, I have more possessions, my walk with God is stronger.

Comparison never brings life to our heart; it always causes a part of our heart to die. God designed us to be original, yet we spend so much energy trying to be a carbon copy of someone else.

How much joy have I forfeited because of comparison? What have I not experienced that God had in store for me because I was hoping to get what someone else got?

Do you struggle with comparing yourself with others?