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Desperately Seeking Normal

Aug 28, 2022

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks for the Davis household. From multiple snow days to overbooked schedules, it’s been hard to find a rhythm to our pace of life. As a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend I struggle to fulfill any of these roles well when I am out of rhythm.

I have heard it said before that we all go through different seasons of life. While for some of us the pains of our seasons are greater than others we all long for “normal” to return. But honestly…what is normal?

I have been asking myself this question for quite some time now. It’s a question that has become a daily prayer: “God help me to find what normal is…please help me find a rhythm.” His response seems to be absent as the rhythm I am desperately seeking continues to fade in chaos.

What I am slowly realizing is that it isn’t God who has been absent; but rather my failure to listen to Him. In the absence of hearing His voice I have blindly allowed my schedule to rule me and in some way allowed my schedule to become my god.

I’ve some how convinced myself that if I, ME, TRISHA can get my schedule under control THEN the rhythm of rest would find me. The problem with this is that in my tired, fatigued state, rather than leaning into God’s wisdom to find rhythm, I lean into my own. Saying yes to things I should say no to and saying no to things to which I should say yes.

When I live in this chaotic pace for to long it only perpetuates the cycle not only to continue but becomes destructive. Fatigue starts to rule and my relationships suffer. I would love to end with a wonderful story of how I have found my rhythm…

I haven’t.

BUT I am choosing to ask the tough questions of God and to those closest to me to help me figure it out…

Do you struggle with finding a healthy rhythm for your life?