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Is it Worth It?

Jul 29, 2022

I have to admit that there have been times over the past year I have questioned whether it is worth it. Is RefineUs really worth it? Is it worth the pain of telling the story again? Is it worth being vulnerable?  Is it worth it to allow people to see parts of our heart and our darkness that most people don’t talk about? Is it worth it? Trisha and I have often wondered if what we are writing is even making a difference?

Then God allows me to see the vision He has for RefineUs. He gives me a glimpse of what He is doing in the lives of people we’ll never meet. A few days ago, a lady named Michelle left this comment on one of our posts:

My husband confessed an affair to me this morning. We have three precious boys and I know that God led me to this site for a reason (that was several weeks ago…I had NO idea). I would’ve never dreamed it would hit so close to home for me today. Thanks for your ministry. I hope that our marriage can be restored. Please pray for us.


As I read her comment my heart just breaks for her, and two thoughts come to my mind: First, please pray for Michelle and her husband. Pray that he would find brokenness and be desperate for God. Pray for Michelle and her three boys that God would meet them where they are and provide for them in ways that they can’t even imagine. Pray for healing and restoration.

My next thought is it is worth it! If this were the only life that was touched by this ministry, IT IS WORTH IT!

Maybe you are asking the same question I’ve asked- “Is it worth it?” Is it worth it to stay in a marriage that is struggling? Is it worth it to stay pure before you find your spouse? Is it worth it to pursue a dream that you know God has placed in your heart. Is it worth it to be faithful to your spouse that you feel distant with when someone at your office seems more appealing? Is it worth it to forgive? Is it worth it to confess? Is it worth it to tell the truth? Is it worth it?

You may never know how the decisions you are making today will affect someone tomorrow. It is worth it! It is worth it to follow God and to lean into him no matter how discouraging, no matter how disappointing, no matter how difficult. God has a vision for your life and you’ll discover it as you press on…it is worth it!