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Knowing and Believing

Aug 28, 2022

There is a huge difference between knowing and believing. You can know things your entire life, but until you believe them, they make very little difference.

Knowing changes how I think. Believing changes how I live.

I know God loves me; believing it means I live as the beloved.

I know I am forgiven; believing it means I live in gratitude for grace.

I know God has great plans for me; believing it means I live with a sense of expectation and anticipation.

I know there is spiritual warfare; believing means I prepare to stand against the Enemy each and every day.

I know that there is a heaven; believing means I live with the end in mind.

I know there are parts of my heart God longs to restore; believing that prompts me to surrender them to Him.

I know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me; believing means I won’t try to accomplish God things in my own strength.

I know I have a Heavenly Father that loves me, cares for me and has set me a part; believing that means I live with the identity of a son.

Knowing things about God is so much different than believing things about God. So often I equate information with transformation.

More blog posts; more sermons; more Bible reading; more podcasts don’t increase your faith…they increase your knowledge.

Faith is increased as I allow what I know about God to be moved to what I believe about Him. It is as that point that I trust that He is who He says He is, and I can be who He says I can be.

Do you confuse “knowing” with “believing”?