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Life Achievements

Aug 28, 2022

On Sunday, I walked into my office after the last service at Cross Point Bellevue and saw my 11-year-old son, Elijah typing on my computer. He knows he isn’t supposed to touch my work computer, so it was about to get intense. My assumption was he was on Facebook so I quickly walked into the office where I could see the screen. What I saw blew my mind and brought me to tears.

Here is what I saw:

Life Achievements

  1. Get straight A’s from 6th grade through my senior year of college.
  2. Be with God and never fall into the earth’s temptations.
  3. Be obedient and show respect to others.
  4. Have friendships with Christ-centered people that will not let me turn to the right or to the left.
  5. Get an academic scholarship to Ensworth (a private high school in Nashville) at the age of 13.
  6. Get a scholarship to Lincoln Christian University.
  7. Start a church and never try to impress others, just change hearts.
  8. Get married and have children and always show them that I love them.
  9. Stay pure and never abuse my kids or my wife.
  10. Stay healthy through out my life time.
  11. Build an orphanage in my backyard.
  12. Help my kids achieve their dreams no matter what.
  14. Give everything to God, because it all belongs to Him.

Are you serious? This kid can use my work computer whenever he wants. Honestly, I was speechless. I still don’t know what to say about this list. My wife is obviously a great mom!

I feel like God has impressed one question on me that I can’t shake. The question is this: “How are you going to help him achieve this list?” What am I doing as a dad to help the orphanage be built; to help the church be planted; to help him find Christ-centered friends; to stay pure; to be with God; to risk everything?”

Here is what I know today…all three of my boys have a list like this. My other two may not type it out, they may not voice it, but God has written a list like this on their hearts. My wife has a list like this. I have a list like this. You have a list like this. Your wife has a list like this. Your husband has a list like this. Your child has a list like this.

I have an assumption today that I believe is true. As you were reading the list, one or two resonated with your heart. One spoke to you.

One of his life achievements is also one of yours…either from 20 years ago or from right now.

So I’m asking for an all-skate today. Will you share with us which life achievement is most relevant to your life, and why?