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Looking for the Living Among the Dead

Jul 29, 2022

As I was reading the account of the resurrection a verse came off the page to me in a way it never has:

In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? Luke 24:5

Why do you look for the living among the dead? That question rang in my head and heart.

I look for the living among the dead:

Every time I focus on who I used to be rather than whom I’m created to be

Every time I allow the shame of my past to cloud God’s vision of my future

Every time I try to earn grace and prove to God how much I’m worthy to be loved

Every time I live in guilt over mistakes that I can’t undo that Jesus died to forgive

Every time I pursue the things of this world rather than the things of God

Every time I give more value to the people who have hurt me more than those who’ve helped me

Every time I focus on my inadequacy rather than being thankful for His sufficiency

Every time I live my life to impress others rather than living for an audience of One

Every time I settle for religious activity rather than authentic intimacy with God

What I felt like God was saying to me is that the tomb is still empty. I am tempted everyday to run to the tomb and allow my past or my mistakes or my regrets or my insecurity to define me. I look for the living among the dead. What I need to do is allow the living person of Jesus to overcome the death that tries to overtake my heart. I’m learning how to do that, day by day.

Maybe you aren’t experiencing life like you thought you would as a follower of Jesus because you too are looking for the living among the dead. Life and life to its fullest that Jesus promised isn’t found in the tomb, its found in the living person of Jesus.