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The End of Yourself

Aug 29, 2022

You had a dream.

You had a vision.

You had a purpose.

You had a marriage.

You had a relationship with your kids.

Today…you’re tired.

You’ve lost your belief that you can be the mom you wanted to be.

You’ve lost hope you can be the husband she needs you to be.

You’ve given up on the dream you thought God birthed in you.

You feel like a failure every morning when you walk into work.

You don’t think you’re strong enough.

You know you aren’t smart enough.

You will never be good enough.

Your mistake was too big.

Your past is too dysfunctional.

You can’t make him happy.

You can’t meet her expectations.

You don’t have enough talent.

You missed your opportunity.

You’ve lost your sense of who you really are.

You’re life is passing you by.

God can’t transform us until we come to the end of ourselves.

Admitting we can’t; we lost; we messed up; we’re broken; we need help is actually the beginning of the life we desire.

It’s okay that you’re not smart enough, talented enough, driven enough, organized enough, loving enough or successful enough. Your weakness allows you to experience His strength.

Maybe we miss out on God’s strength because we pretend to be stronger than we are.

Being honest about our imperfections gives God the chance to overcome them.

Today is a new day. Yesterday doesn’t define you and tomorrow awaits.