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When Life Gets Crazy Part 1

Aug 29, 2022

Our life is so busy right now. We have three kids in three different schools, getting ready to start three different sports. We are full time spouses. Full time parents. Full time pastors. In my role right now at Cross Point, I am leading my campus in a giving campaign. So for the next three weeks, I am attempting to meet with all 60 small groups at my campus. So I am out at least three, sometimes five nights per week for the next few weeks. We are holding on for dear life as God grows RefineUs. We are writing our first book. We are entering our most intense travel season of our 16 year marriage. Trisha is going to Catalyst then Guatemala. We will then travel three weekends for speaking engagements between the middle of October and the first week of November.

Just typing that made me tired. I know I am probably preaching to the choir today, because your life is crazy too. You have deadlines and bosses and schedules and kids and errands and sports and practices and church activities and car pool and homework and travel and babies that don’t sleep through the night…and the list could go on and on, right?

What I wanted to do today is give a few questions I ask myself in seasons like this. Then tomorrow, I want to share with you some practical advice born out of messing this up in my own life, marriage and family. Here are the questions:

1. Do I equate being busy with being important? For so long in my life, I would brag about how busy I was so I could feel important and so I could hopefully convince others how significant I was. The answer to that question has to do with a lot more than your schedule. Answer it honestly. When I equate being busy with being important, I am looking for identity in something that will never be able to provide it, and it messes with every relationship in my life.

2. Is this truly a season of busy or is this my lifestyle? I always talk in seasons. My kids play sports, so it is easy to equate my life to different seasons. But if the season never ends then it isn’t really a season at all. It is your life. Everyone has busy seasons. God doesn’t desire us to live a life of hurry. If you are married, ask your spouse. If you are afraid to ask your spouse, then you already know the answer.

These two questions will get beyond your schedule and your to-do list and your exhaustion and allow God to speak to your heart. Tomorrow, I’ll share with you some practical advice in navigating seasons of busy.

Are you in a busy season these days? How do you deal with it?