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You Have to Choose It

Aug 29, 2022

This weekend was a pretty cool weekend. Trish and I got to be a part of Lifeway’s Festival of Marriage weekend. Over 600 couples gathered in North Carolina and Dr. Gary Chapman opened the weekend with a powerful talk on The Five Love Languages.

Trish and I have written a book on marriage, but this man is THE expert on marriage. His book, The Five Love Languages has sold more than 7 million copies. 7 million. We had the honor of meeting him and he was very kind and gracious. It was an honor.

At the end of his talk on Friday, he told the story of a guy that had been married for 31 years. Dr. Chapman taught on The Five Love Languages and this guy learned that his wife’s primary love language was acts of service. The guy approached Dr. Chapman after his talk and said, “I know my wife’s love language is acts of service. I know that I don’t do a very good job of loving her in the way she is designed to receive love. But if you think I’m going to start doing the dishes or vacuuming the floor so my wife feels loved, you are mistaken. We’ve done just fine for 31 years.”

Dr. Chapman said, “I told this guy then what I say to you tonight: I can give you the information, but I can’t make you choose to change.”

In other words, information doesn’t equal transformation. Your good intentions isn’t the same as being intentional. If you want a different marriage; if you want different friendships; if you want a different relationship with your kids; you can’t continue to do the same things you’ve always done. You have to choose differently.

You have to be intentional. 

-You don’t drift into being close with your teenage son, you choose it.

-You don’t drift into being a trusted friend, you choose it

-You don’t drift into having a Christ-like relationship with your child’s parent, that is your ex-spouse…you choose it.

-You don’t drift into a healthy, growing, fulfilling marriage, you choose it.

-You don’t drift toward forgiveness, you choose it…and then you choose it again.

-You don’t drift into honesty, vulnerability and authenticity…you choose it.

-You don’t drift into an intimate relationship with God, you make time for it and you prioritize it…you choose it.

I can’t speak for you, but maybe you are like me. I have all the information I need to be a good husband. I have all the facts I need to be a good friend. I have heard hundreds of sermons on being a follower of Christ. I know in my mind what it takes to be a good dad.

Knowing information doesn’t mean I choose it. Maybe the relationship you desire is simply a matter of you choosing it.

You don’t drift into the marriage or the friendship or the relationship you want; you choose it.