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Pastor You Are Not

Aug 28, 2022

Yesterday, I wrote a post about Who YOU Are. At the end of the day yesterday, I felt like God laid it on my heart to write a post for pastors who may be struggling with their identity.

As a pastor, I lived for 10 years with an identity crisis that eventually  lead to my meltdown and moral failure. I realize this post won’t apply to everyone, but it is vital for someone. If you aren’t a pastor, maybe you should pass it along to yours.

You are not the size of your congregation

You are not as good as your last sermon

You are not as bad as your last critical email

You are not your speaking ability

You are not your insecurity

You are not your fear of failure

You are not your ability to be hip or relevant

You are not your worship style

You are not trying to compete with, out perform or out preach the pastor you work for or work with

You are not your ability to lead or inspire

You are not the value of last week’s offering

You are not as incompetent as you feel

You are not their savior

You are not competing with the church down the street

You are not measured by how many people will come this Sunday

You are not wasting your time even when you feel like you are

Here is who YOU are:

You are a follower of Christ

You are a husband or a wife

You are a dad or a mom

You are a friend

You are called

You are set apart

You are anointed

You are God’s masterpiece

You are more than your role

You are created in the image of God

You are valuable independent of your church, your ministry or your status

You are much more important than the title you hold

You are loved, forgiven and chosen.

That is who you are.