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Not on the Same Page: Sexually

We wrap up this blog series we’ve been in this week, talking about how easy it is to be on different pages in marriage. If you want to check out the other two posts  you can here:



One of the most difficult areas of marriage is the area of sex. Not many of us are...

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Not on the Same Page: Parenting

When our oldest son was born sixteen years ago, we wanted to make sure we got everything right. We researched the best way to hold him; the best position for him to sleep in; the best baby food to feed him; the best educational toys to buy him; the best methods to parent him. We never said this...

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Not on the Same Page: Finances

Today we are launching a brand new blog series called Not on the Same Page.  The heart of the next few days is to talk about things that probably aren’t going to cause us to get divorced, but keep us from experiencing the marriage God has in mind. There are times in every...

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5 Truths of Sexual Temptation

Several months ago I got a call from one of our pastors. He had agreed to do a wedding for a couple in our church, but had an unexpected conflict come up in his schedule and was unable to perform their ceremony. Their wedding was three weeks away. I agreed to perform the ceremony and made an...

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Loneliness is a Choice Not Your Reality

I’ve gone through different seasons of loneliness throughout my life. I’m sure you have too. There are times that we can feel lonely, even in a room full of people.

As I look through out Scripture, one of God’s greatest desires is that we not be alone. In fact, God’s...

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An Expectation that Will Never Be Met

Most people only communicate what they expect from a relationship after they have been disappointed or let down. So many of us are unhappy in our marriage, unhappy in a relationship, dissatisfied with a friend because the relationship isn’t what we thought it would be. More accurately it...

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A Reminder for Everyone

The more we talk to people and counsel people, the more we are reminded of how much alike we all are. Here are three truths that are true for everyone.

1. Everyone Has a Story

Everyone has brokenness. Everyone has problems. Everyone is on a journey. So often, I assume that people are as healthy...

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Two Words That Leave You Unchanged

There are two words that seem to follow me where ever I go. These two words convince me that my intention to change is as powerful as my commitment to change. But that is a lie. These two words:

I should.

I’m great at telling myself, “I should.” I should workout more....

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If You Don't Want to Have an Affair

One of the ways God has allowed us to use our story is in helping people avoid some of the choices and some of the behavior patterns we’ve had in our marriage. I’m asked several times a week, “What can I do to make sure I or my spouse doesn’t have an affair.” The...

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What Every Wife Needs from Her Husband

Yesterday Justin felt the need to share a little math fact with me that made my heart drop down to my toes…

Justin: Do you realize that Micah (our soon to be 16 year-old son) is only four years away from how old you were when we got married?

 Me: What you talkin bout Willis?...

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5 Things that Help Us Stay Happily Married

We want our story to help inspire your story. We have made mistakes, but we’ve done a lot of things well too.  Those are the things that have enabled us to be married for 17 years.

So today, I’d like to share with you 5 things that Trisha has done and continues to do that helps...

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An Epidemic of Shame

There is a shame epidemic in Christianity today. So many people feel ashamed. Ashamed in their friendships. Ashamed in their marriages. Ashamed in their relationship with God. Shame puts a choke-hold on grace.

What you experience is living knowing you are free from the penalty of sin, but...

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5 Words that Change Everything

In the book of Exodus, Moses is asked to do something that seemed impossible. The nation of Israel had been in slavery for 430 years and God asks Moses to confront Pharaoh and convince him to let God’s people go.

Moses wasn’t convinced he was the right guy for the job so he gave God...

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The Secret to Staying Married

f you are married, do you remember the first couple of weeks and months that you were dating your spouse? You couldn’t get enough of them. You went out of your way to see them. You stayed up late talking to them. You argued about who was going to hang up first (was that just Trisha and...

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4 Choices That Will Improve Your Marriage

There are certain issues in your marriage that can’t be changed today. No matter how hard you try, some marriage improvements take time.  But these four choices I’m sharing with you today will instantly improve your marriage. Trisha and I have personally seen these four...

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3 Ways to Wreck Your Life

One of the things that I love about blogging is the ability to answer questions publicly that we often get privately. As we talk to people there is often a certain theme or a certain question that repeatedly comes up that gives us a peek into what a lot of people might be struggling with. A...

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